What's the Number One Rule for Kindergarten Readiness? Don't talk to your child about Kindergarten Readiness!
This is just one of the useful tips shared by presenters Nicole Schoentag, Associate Director of Lower School and Learning Specialist, and Moriah Geller, Lead Kindergarten Teacher and Literary Specialist, during a parent learning session this morning at Marin Horizon.
If You Missed the Session, Here's A Recap...
As parents begin to prepare their child for Kindergarten, above all, we recommend this simple mantra: Build a love of learning. Keep it simple. Have fun.
Allow your child to be more independent with:
Introducing themselves by their name and age
Talking about their feelings
Carrying and cleaning up their belongings
Cooperative play
Know that building skills and independence is slow and messy! Go easy on your child and yourself!
Developing Life Skills
Provide chances to follow 1- and 2-step directions.
Set expectations for first-time listening.
Model empathy and openly name your feelings.
Model a growth mindset.
Support your child in asking for help.
Easy Ways to Build Academic Skills at Home
Establish a joyful reading routine at home.
Read to your child.
Enjoy books together.
Let this be predictable and consistent (i.e., something your child can depend on).
While reading to your child, show them how to open a book and turn the pages, and then let them take over this routine.
Be a reading role model!
Create opportunities for meaningful writing.
Let your child scribble, draw, and write what they are interested in.
Encourage them to write their name, the alphabet, and explain their pictures.
Start to connect letter sounds to letters.
Make birthday cards, letters to family members, labels for around the home.
Give opportunities to sort! Sorting is an important math activity
Sort stuffies by size, type, color.
Sort coins-tricky but fun!
Go on a shape hunt at home. Find things that are circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, etc.
Take learning on the go! Big learning can happen on walks and in the car.
Recognize familiar logos and signs, like stop signs.
Sing the alphabet song.
Play the rhyming game with short, simple words (“What rhymes with
cat?” “Bat!”).
Count the number of red cars you see.
Ask “Can you see any letters that you know?” on signs around the neighborhood.
Easy Ways to Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills at Home
Set up an art center at home with drawing and cutting materials.
Trace with stencils.
Play with play dough or clay.
Build puzzles.
Play racing games.
Play hopscotch.
Swing on the monkey bars.
Play catch or monkey in the middle.

You can learn more about the Marin Horizon Kindergarten here.